Michael Jackson的手點畫活動(Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait)是得到MJ家人及親近朋友們支持的一個致敬記念的活動。要致敬,要記念MJ的人,全世界都有。為了讓大家釋出對他的思念,這個活動來了一個有意思的概念,就是邀請世界各地愛他的人,到網站登記,然後藝術家David Ilan會以一點代表一個人的方式,以點畫法 (pointillism)繪畫MJ。
這個活動已經開始了,歡迎愛他的你到Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait網站登記,請你記住,這會是一輩子的記念。我是十分支持,行動比說話來得實際。
關於點畫法的進度,大家可到網站中按Portrait Update(左上角)查看的。
上次的This is it馬賽克我上載了自己的資料,不知什麼原因,就是找不到自己那一點。多失望!我不會讓這種情況再次發生,今次已確定自己登記成功,並已得到手點號碼 (Dot number)。
成功登記後,請登入,然後查看Portfolio,你便會看到你的Dot number。
然後你可看到你的Dot number。
特別鳴謝Papillon Noii 令本人知道這個活動及小魔羯MJ的提醒。
A message for English Reader:
Information Source : Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait
Have you heard about the event of “Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait”? If not, please go to the website Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait.
Read yet? Good! This is a tribute program for our beloved Michael Jackson. I’m sure you want to be part of it, like me.
May I invite you to join it? This is a life long memorial event. Once the portrait is done, it’ll be forever. This means a lot to me. I do believe that action is better than talk.
You can check the portrait status by clicking "Portrait Update".
I was so regret about the “This is it” Mosaic last time. I registered but no idea why I couldn’t find myself. Maybe something I did wrong, but I won’t let regret happen again. This time I ensure my registration successful.
Please register first and login, check your portfolio file, and you’ll see your dot number.
A special thanks to Papillon Noii for letting me know this event and 小魔羯MJ for reminding me.
I would like to share this article with more people, so I post it to MJFaith website as well, you are welcome to let me know your comment.