我非常享受看你的表演,有一種說不出的力量傳遞;我也愛看你的工作特輯,當中蘊含了很多你的工作時情況、工作態度、你當時的狀態、你的心情;我又愛看你的製作花絮、小品之類的東西。因為有很多你的貼心、有趣的小故事。我比較看重Video,因為有你互動的Video比較貼近真實。可惜大部份,都不能買到。好像Dangerous Tour 其他地方的版本,好像HISTory Tour 官方各地版權等等,只能輕嘆無奈。
有關你的東西,我擁有的可算是很少。書本是從去年才開始留意,想看的又能買到的,我會買下來。也許是年紀的緣故,我買得很實際;你的唱片我也是在今年3月份到日本札幌時,才認真的搜購。我所買的都是我聽過的歌曲……從Billie Bean到Invincible。我不懂分別各個版本有什麼不同,純粹主觀喜歡的就買下來。

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
我非常難忘你跟Lisa Marie Presley一起的那段日子,那時候的你流露出幸福的笑容。 MJ,你是一個不善收藏情感的人,很多時從你面部的表情,就能知道你是喜是愁。看到那時候的你,充滿陽光氣和愛的笑容,令在旁的人都能感染這份幸福,真替你高興。我只是不明白你倆甜蜜的歲月,你被愛的日子,上天為何不給你長一點。
我非常難忘你跟Lisa Marie Presley一起的那段日子,那時候的你流露出幸福的笑容。 MJ,你是一個不善收藏情感的人,很多時從你面部的表情,就能知道你是喜是愁。看到那時候的你,充滿陽光氣和愛的笑容,令在旁的人都能感染這份幸福,真替你高興。我只是不明白你倆甜蜜的歲月,你被愛的日子,上天為何不給你長一點。
Saturday, April 17, 2010
MJ,我昨天下班之後,跑去了買澳門星期六的即日來回船票! 這次已是我第三次的嘗試,終於買得了。沒想到,只是一水之隔的澳門,成功買到票後,會有一股濃濃的渴望湧上心頭。我太期待親身見證經歷你的東西,也許是有點激動,也許是別人眼裡的傻,我一概不理。我不用再等了!唯一的障礙是身體狀況,這陣子身體抱恙,所以我十分需要你的支持和力量,我要去會你!
這裡是澳門的十六蒲酒店,我一踏進你的記念館,就是一條仿製Billie Jean Music Video街景的佈景。原概念地上會發光的方塊地板,在這裡會繼續發光,只是地板全換上了你過往的唱片封面(圖01a,圖01b)。
圖01a - Billie Jean Music Video街景(燈光亮時)
圖01b - Billie Jean Music Video街景(燈光滅時)
而街上的兩個櫥窗,右面的這個放了很多你的親筆簽名的相片(圖02 -圖06),我的拍攝技術太差,希望你不會看得太辛苦。
圖02– 30th Anniversary Special 2001 (個人發展30周年演唱會) 唱I’ll be there時
圖04 – 30th Anniversary Special 2001 (個人發展30周年演唱會) 唱The way you make me feel時
圖05a – 3D立體相片
圖05b – 3D立體相片
圖06 – 油畫
左面的就展出了一套你在電影Men In Black II中客串演出時穿著過的整套黑色西裝(圖07)、一雙你穿著過並有親筆簽名的鞋子(圖08)、和一件在Dangerous Tour時工作人員的外套制服(圖09)。
圖07 –電影Men In Black II時穿著過的整套黑色西裝
圖08 –親筆簽名的鞋子
圖09 –Dangerous Tour時工作人員的外套制服
圖10 –謙謙君子的相片(網友提供,非MJ珍藏館的展品)

圖11 –HISTory俏像(樹脂仿製的迷你版本)
接下來,就是非常觸目的白色水晶手套(圖12-圖14),在旁的小佈景版上(圖15),還有你不同版本的Billie Jean不停在播陪襯着。
圖12 –白色水晶手套(正面)
圖13 –白色水晶手套(側面)
圖14 –白色水晶手套(側面)
圖15 –不同版本的Billie Jean在旁的小佈景版上不停播
圖16 –MJ的手套和我的手重疊的影像效果
館內有一個大電視,不斷播放你的經典Music Video(圖17-圖18)。雖然放的Music Video我都看過,但以這麼大的電視看,我沒試過。我相信有看過你現場演出的人,一定不會感到驚訝的。
圖17 –大電視 (正在播放You are not alone)
圖18 –大電視 (正在播放You are not alone)
在展覽館內,還有一個以你的不同時期俏像造成的走廊,走廊不算長,在末端是一個白色布幕,用來播放你的演唱會。我當時看的就是你唯一出版羅馬尼亞的那一場Dangerous Tour(圖19)。
圖19 –MJ走廊
其他我有拍到的東西,都放上來,讓你、我及MJ Family們一起體會(圖20-圖33)。
圖20 –King of Pop
圖21 –Thriller的舞衣
圖22 –裝甲
圖23 –水晶襪子,Victory時候穿的
圖24 –MJ小時候手繪的Charlie Chaplin
圖25 –與Olivia Newton-John的合照
圖26 –8款不同的MJ模型(8公分高)
圖27 –Dangerous Tour後台通行證
圖28 –MJ親筆簽名的帽子
圖29 –帽子上有”Michael Jackson”的字樣
圖30 –Neverland內的園景
圖31 –Jackson 5 時期Victory Tour宣傳照
圖32 –以”M”及”J”兩字造成的一個幕牆
圖33 –Dangerous作背景的小型舞台
~~ 完 ~~
Friday, April 9, 2010
歌曲 - They Don’t Really Care About Us
此曲,我是先接觸你那個色彩繽紛,充滿歡樂氣氛的巴西版本。一大群人在打鼓,你與群眾一同起舞;單看圍觀的群眾,走出陽台、爬上屋頂,不惜一切務求佔到一個有利位置,去看你。就知道你的出現,震撼了整個Rio de Janeiro(里約熱內盧市)。在片中,有圍觀的歌迷衝出了防線,向着你直奔過去,擁抱你;你就被這股衝力撞倒,工作人員趕上去將你扶起,你一站穩,便馬上繼續隨歌舞動。這一幕我印象很深,因為歌迷你走向你的那股力量,其實不甚力猛。沒想到你會因而跌倒,那麼柔弱,又繼續堅強。
我記得你在1995年接受Prime Time訪問時,有解釋過你完全沒有冒犯猶太人的意思,更指出你與很多猶太人一起工作等等。詳細我不在這裡重覆,我只會選擇相信你。
這曲在HISTory Tour中那步操式的舞蹈,確實是令我非常的欣賞,這是創意成果。我看了在網上所有能找得到的這曲演唱會版本,非常的強!
到後來This is it中的再加上電腦的特技效果,和你為舞者編排的舞步,只是排練,都精彩得教人陶醉。
This is it版本
HISTory Tour – Helsinki 版本
作曲、作詞、主唱:Michael Jackson
製作:Michael Jackson
收錄:HISTory Album
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, Kike me
Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black mail
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, Kike me
Don't you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
此曲,我是先接觸你那個色彩繽紛,充滿歡樂氣氛的巴西版本。一大群人在打鼓,你與群眾一同起舞;單看圍觀的群眾,走出陽台、爬上屋頂,不惜一切務求佔到一個有利位置,去看你。就知道你的出現,震撼了整個Rio de Janeiro(里約熱內盧市)。在片中,有圍觀的歌迷衝出了防線,向着你直奔過去,擁抱你;你就被這股衝力撞倒,工作人員趕上去將你扶起,你一站穩,便馬上繼續隨歌舞動。這一幕我印象很深,因為歌迷你走向你的那股力量,其實不甚力猛。沒想到你會因而跌倒,那麼柔弱,又繼續堅強。
我記得你在1995年接受Prime Time訪問時,有解釋過你完全沒有冒犯猶太人的意思,更指出你與很多猶太人一起工作等等。詳細我不在這裡重覆,我只會選擇相信你。
這曲在HISTory Tour中那步操式的舞蹈,確實是令我非常的欣賞,這是創意成果。我看了在網上所有能找得到的這曲演唱會版本,非常的強!
到後來This is it中的再加上電腦的特技效果,和你為舞者編排的舞步,只是排練,都精彩得教人陶醉。
This is it版本
HISTory Tour – Helsinki 版本
作曲、作詞、主唱:Michael Jackson
製作:Michael Jackson
收錄:HISTory Album
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, Kike me
Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black mail
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, Kike me
Don't you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
歌曲 - I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
MJ的情歌,為數真不少,不過要數男女合唱的歌曲,這首I Just Can’t Stop Loving You該是絕無僅有的。這是一對男女在感情發展最初之時,要互相向對方表白的故事。悅耳柔和的聲音,完全可以令人想像他在跟你談情。旋律非常優美,是他在BAD時期的作品。我很喜歡MJ 的詞,精簡又細膩。
我選了1993年Dangerous Tour,MJ和Siedah Garrett(按:Siedah Garrett是當年Dangerous Tour的女和音,也是流行曲 Man in the Mirror 的其中一名作曲人)的合唱版本。
大家可以留意當時MJ唱這歌的情懷,一股溫柔的自述、帶害羞的表情、等待對方的回應、得到對方的確認,那種甜蜜的感覺,歌裡行間,清晰流露。在台上的MJ,很會拿揑現場表演的氣氛,唱到歌曲中段時,將手放在Siedah Garrett大腿前端位置,立時令全場尖叫,將甜蜜柔和的情緒再推高。你認真一點看,其實MJ只是輕輕的一碰;不過,那令人暇想的效果是明顯非常。
我敢說句,那一刻,台下成千上萬的歌迷,都希望成為Siedah Garrett的大腿。
作曲、作詞:Michael Jackson
主唱:Michael Jackson和Siedah Garrett
收錄:Bad Album
I Just Want To Lay Next To You
For Awhile
You Look So Beautiful Tonight
Your Eyes Are So Lovely
Your Mouth Is So Sweet
A Lot Of People
Misunderstand Me
That's Because They Don't
Know Me At All
I Just Want To Touch You
And Hold You
I Need You
God I Need You
I Love You So Much
Each Time The Wind Blows
I Hear Your Voice So
I Call Your Name . . .
Whispers At Morning
Our Love Is Dawning
Heaven's Glad You Came . . .
You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I'm So Proud To Say
I Love You
Your Love's Got Me High
I Long To Get By
This Time Is Forever
Love Is The Answer
I Hear Your Voice Now
You Are My Choice Now
The Love You Bring
Heaven's In My Heart
At Your Call
I Hear Harps,
And Angels Sing
You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I Can't Live My Life
Without You
I Just Can't Hold On
I Feel We Belong
My Life Ain't Worth Living
If I Can't Be With You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me Just What
Will I Do
'Cause I Just Can't Stop
Loving You
At Night When The
Stars Shine
I Pray In You I'll Find
A Love So True . . .
When Morning Awakes Me
Will You Come And Take Me
I'll Wait For You
You Know How I Feel
I Won't Stop Until
I Hear Your Voice Saying
"I Do"
"I Do"
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
This Feeling's So Strong
Well, My Life Ain't
Worth Living
If I Can't Be With You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
We Can Change All The World
We Can Sing Songs Of
I Can Say, Hey . . .Farewell
To Sorrow
This Is My Life And I,
Want To See You For Always
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
No, Baby
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
If I Can't Stop!
And If I Stop . . .
Oh! Oh! Oh . . .Oh . . .
What Will I Do? Uh . . .Ooh . . .
(Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do)
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Hee! Hee! Hee! Know I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
You Know I Do
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
我選了1993年Dangerous Tour,MJ和Siedah Garrett(按:Siedah Garrett是當年Dangerous Tour的女和音,也是流行曲 Man in the Mirror 的其中一名作曲人)的合唱版本。
大家可以留意當時MJ唱這歌的情懷,一股溫柔的自述、帶害羞的表情、等待對方的回應、得到對方的確認,那種甜蜜的感覺,歌裡行間,清晰流露。在台上的MJ,很會拿揑現場表演的氣氛,唱到歌曲中段時,將手放在Siedah Garrett大腿前端位置,立時令全場尖叫,將甜蜜柔和的情緒再推高。你認真一點看,其實MJ只是輕輕的一碰;不過,那令人暇想的效果是明顯非常。
我敢說句,那一刻,台下成千上萬的歌迷,都希望成為Siedah Garrett的大腿。
作曲、作詞:Michael Jackson
主唱:Michael Jackson和Siedah Garrett
收錄:Bad Album
I Just Want To Lay Next To You
For Awhile
You Look So Beautiful Tonight
Your Eyes Are So Lovely
Your Mouth Is So Sweet
A Lot Of People
Misunderstand Me
That's Because They Don't
Know Me At All
I Just Want To Touch You
And Hold You
I Need You
God I Need You
I Love You So Much
Each Time The Wind Blows
I Hear Your Voice So
I Call Your Name . . .
Whispers At Morning
Our Love Is Dawning
Heaven's Glad You Came . . .
You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I'm So Proud To Say
I Love You
Your Love's Got Me High
I Long To Get By
This Time Is Forever
Love Is The Answer
I Hear Your Voice Now
You Are My Choice Now
The Love You Bring
Heaven's In My Heart
At Your Call
I Hear Harps,
And Angels Sing
You Know How I Feel
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
I Can't Live My Life
Without You
I Just Can't Hold On
I Feel We Belong
My Life Ain't Worth Living
If I Can't Be With You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me Just What
Will I Do
'Cause I Just Can't Stop
Loving You
At Night When The
Stars Shine
I Pray In You I'll Find
A Love So True . . .
When Morning Awakes Me
Will You Come And Take Me
I'll Wait For You
You Know How I Feel
I Won't Stop Until
I Hear Your Voice Saying
"I Do"
"I Do"
This Thing Can't Go Wrong
This Feeling's So Strong
Well, My Life Ain't
Worth Living
If I Can't Be With You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
We Can Change All The World
We Can Sing Songs Of
I Can Say, Hey . . .Farewell
To Sorrow
This Is My Life And I,
Want To See You For Always
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
No, Baby
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
If I Can't Stop!
And If I Stop . . .
Oh! Oh! Oh . . .Oh . . .
What Will I Do? Uh . . .Ooh . . .
(Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do)
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Hee! Hee! Hee! Know I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
You Know I Do
And If I Stop . . .
Then Tell Me, Just What
Will I Do
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Monday, April 5, 2010
【轉貼文章】- [情報] David Gest之MJ第一次喝醉酒小故事
這是在噗浪上看到關於MJ在Off the Wall時期的一則小故事,非常有趣,所以轉貼過來與大家分享。
作者:ChesterB (很難想) 看板 KingofPop
標題:[情報] David Gest之MJ第一次喝醉酒小故事
時間:Sun Apr 4 22:37:24 2010
原文: http://www.mjfanclub.net/mjforum373/showthread.php?t=28541
Michael was staying at my place on Dohney and was happy to come along. He really respected Burt (Bacharach) but wondered, as we all did, what made him tick.
MJ當時在我家,他非常高興能夠出席(從後文看來應該是跟人晚餐之類) ,他很景仰 Burt Bacharach (鋼琴家、作曲家) 。
Burt had ordered a bottle of expensive French red wine, which he, Carole (Bayer Sager) and I were drinking. Michael never drank but that night he got interested in wine. Unbelievably; he didn't even know what wine was.
'What's it made of?' he asked me.
'Grapes', I said.
'I like grapes,' Michael said. 'I think i'll try some.'
So we poured Michael a glass and he drank it. He obviously liked it because he drank another one. We were drinking a 1982 Pomerol that tasted like candy, so he was bound to like it.
他問我:「這是甚麼做的?」。 我回答:「葡萄」。MJ說:「我喜歡葡萄,我想我可以喝一點」。所以我們幫他倒了一杯,他喝了。很顯然,他很喜歡因為他又喝了另一杯。我們喝的是1982年的Pomerol, 喝起來很像糖果,所以他很喜歡。
By this time, we all had a glass or two and the bottle was finished. So Burt ordered a second bottle. This time, Michael drank virtually the whole bottle. He had really aquired a taste for wine, fine wine at that, and was guzzling the stuff down. So we ordered a third bottle and Michael drank most of that aswell. That's when i knew we were going to have a problem that night.
The evening came to an end and I drove Michael back to my place. He was, understandbly, happy. In fact, he was flying high, very high. In the car he was talking and laughing. He was singing 'I Want To Be Where You Are' and 'Never Can Say Goodbye'. Then he started singing more of his hit songs like 'Ben'. He was giggling away all the time.
晚餐結束,我開車載MJ回我家,他整個很開心。事實上簡直是興奮過頭了,超嗨在車子裡他說個不停;而且一直笑,而且還一直唱歌 I want to be where you are Never can say goodbye 。 然後,他開始唱他很多其他很紅的歌像是Ben;然後,一路上都在科科笑。
'You're going to be in trouble,' he said. 'I'm going to tell Joesph what you did.'
I wasn't taking the bait. 'I didn't do it, you did,' I said.
It took us a few minutes to get back to my place. The minute I parked the car and opened the door for him, Michael leaned out and threw up all over the place. He spent the rest of the night hanging over the toilet. He was as sick as a dog. I was up all night with him.
He kept saying, 'I'm going to tell Joe you corrupted me,' I was kinda worried he would but he never did.
他說:「你完蛋了! 我要跟Joesph講你做了甚麼。」。我說:「我可沒做甚麼,是你自己做的。」
It was his first taste of wine, something he would come to love a little too much in later years. I always felt bad about that night but it sure was funny!
作者:ChesterB (很難想) 看板 KingofPop
標題:[情報] David Gest之MJ第一次喝醉酒小故事
時間:Sun Apr 4 22:37:24 2010
原文: http://www.mjfanclub.net/mjforum373/showthread.php?t=28541
Michael was staying at my place on Dohney and was happy to come along. He really respected Burt (Bacharach) but wondered, as we all did, what made him tick.
MJ當時在我家,他非常高興能夠出席(從後文看來應該是跟人晚餐之類) ,他很景仰 Burt Bacharach (鋼琴家、作曲家) 。
Burt had ordered a bottle of expensive French red wine, which he, Carole (Bayer Sager) and I were drinking. Michael never drank but that night he got interested in wine. Unbelievably; he didn't even know what wine was.
'What's it made of?' he asked me.
'Grapes', I said.
'I like grapes,' Michael said. 'I think i'll try some.'
So we poured Michael a glass and he drank it. He obviously liked it because he drank another one. We were drinking a 1982 Pomerol that tasted like candy, so he was bound to like it.
他問我:「這是甚麼做的?」。 我回答:「葡萄」。MJ說:「我喜歡葡萄,我想我可以喝一點」。所以我們幫他倒了一杯,他喝了。很顯然,他很喜歡因為他又喝了另一杯。我們喝的是1982年的Pomerol, 喝起來很像糖果,所以他很喜歡。
By this time, we all had a glass or two and the bottle was finished. So Burt ordered a second bottle. This time, Michael drank virtually the whole bottle. He had really aquired a taste for wine, fine wine at that, and was guzzling the stuff down. So we ordered a third bottle and Michael drank most of that aswell. That's when i knew we were going to have a problem that night.
The evening came to an end and I drove Michael back to my place. He was, understandbly, happy. In fact, he was flying high, very high. In the car he was talking and laughing. He was singing 'I Want To Be Where You Are' and 'Never Can Say Goodbye'. Then he started singing more of his hit songs like 'Ben'. He was giggling away all the time.
晚餐結束,我開車載MJ回我家,他整個很開心。事實上簡直是興奮過頭了,超嗨在車子裡他說個不停;而且一直笑,而且還一直唱歌 I want to be where you are Never can say goodbye 。 然後,他開始唱他很多其他很紅的歌像是Ben;然後,一路上都在科科笑。
'You're going to be in trouble,' he said. 'I'm going to tell Joesph what you did.'
I wasn't taking the bait. 'I didn't do it, you did,' I said.
It took us a few minutes to get back to my place. The minute I parked the car and opened the door for him, Michael leaned out and threw up all over the place. He spent the rest of the night hanging over the toilet. He was as sick as a dog. I was up all night with him.
He kept saying, 'I'm going to tell Joe you corrupted me,' I was kinda worried he would but he never did.
他說:「你完蛋了! 我要跟Joesph講你做了甚麼。」。我說:「我可沒做甚麼,是你自己做的。」
It was his first taste of wine, something he would come to love a little too much in later years. I always felt bad about that night but it sure was funny!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
歌曲 - In the Closet
現在我每天都會聽這首歌,很愛那種氣氛。當初只聽聲音時,對負責女聲讀白的人,完全沒有留意過她是誰,是直至我去翻歌詞一刻,才知道原來是摩洛哥公主Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth Grimaldi。
我個人還是比較喜歡你在HISTory Tour中,那一小段In the Closet的演譯,加上你的表情、眼神、讀白、與舞者的舞蹈。整體加上來,可觀性不比MV遜色,只是短了一點,令我意猶未盡。我在這裡選了兩個現場版本,與大家分享:
先來一個Denmark版 ( 這個是MJ聚多演唱會中,最多面部表情和加插了一些動作的版本,是我非常喜愛的一個。)
主唱:Michael Jackson
收錄:Dangerous Album
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
There's Something
I Have To Say To You
If You Promise You'll
I Cannot Contain Myself
When In Your Presence
I'm So Humble
Touch Me
Don't Hide Our Love
Woman To Man
She's Just A Lover
Who's Doin' Me By
Is it Worth The Giving
Is it Worth The Try
You Cannot Cleave It
Put It In The Furnace
I Cannot Wet It
If Your Not Burnin'
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
It's Just A Feeling
You Have To Soothe It
You Can't Neglect It
You Can't Abuse It
It's Just Desire
You Cannot Waste It
Then, If You Want It
Then, Won't You Taste It
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
One Thing In Life
You Must Understand
The Truth Of Lust
Woman To Man
So Open The Door
And You Will See
There Are No Secrets
Make Your Move
Set Me Free
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Whatever We Do
To Each Other
For Now We'll Make A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet
If You Can Get It
It's Worth A Try
I Really Want It
I Can't Deny
It's Just Desire
I Really Love It
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
'Cause If It's Aching
You Have To Rub It
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
Just Open The Door
And You Will See
This Passion Burns
Inside Of Me
Don't Say To Me
You'll Never Tell
Touch Me There
Make The Move
Cast The Spell
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Do To Each Other
For Now We'll Make
A Vow To Just
Keep It In The Closet
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
Somethin' About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Whatever We Do To
Each Other
For Now We'll Make A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet
(She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
Keep It In The Closet ...
現在我每天都會聽這首歌,很愛那種氣氛。當初只聽聲音時,對負責女聲讀白的人,完全沒有留意過她是誰,是直至我去翻歌詞一刻,才知道原來是摩洛哥公主Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth Grimaldi。
我個人還是比較喜歡你在HISTory Tour中,那一小段In the Closet的演譯,加上你的表情、眼神、讀白、與舞者的舞蹈。整體加上來,可觀性不比MV遜色,只是短了一點,令我意猶未盡。我在這裡選了兩個現場版本,與大家分享:
先來一個Denmark版 ( 這個是MJ聚多演唱會中,最多面部表情和加插了一些動作的版本,是我非常喜愛的一個。)
主唱:Michael Jackson
收錄:Dangerous Album
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
There's Something
I Have To Say To You
If You Promise You'll
I Cannot Contain Myself
When In Your Presence
I'm So Humble
Touch Me
Don't Hide Our Love
Woman To Man
She's Just A Lover
Who's Doin' Me By
Is it Worth The Giving
Is it Worth The Try
You Cannot Cleave It
Put It In The Furnace
I Cannot Wet It
If Your Not Burnin'
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
It's Just A Feeling
You Have To Soothe It
You Can't Neglect It
You Can't Abuse It
It's Just Desire
You Cannot Waste It
Then, If You Want It
Then, Won't You Taste It
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
One Thing In Life
You Must Understand
The Truth Of Lust
Woman To Man
So Open The Door
And You Will See
There Are No Secrets
Make Your Move
Set Me Free
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Whatever We Do
To Each Other
For Now We'll Make A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet
If You Can Get It
It's Worth A Try
I Really Want It
I Can't Deny
It's Just Desire
I Really Love It
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
'Cause If It's Aching
You Have To Rub It
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
She Wants To Give It
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
(She Wants To Give It)
(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]
Just Open The Door
And You Will See
This Passion Burns
Inside Of Me
Don't Say To Me
You'll Never Tell
Touch Me There
Make The Move
Cast The Spell
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Do To Each Other
For Now We'll Make
A Vow To Just
Keep It In The Closet
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
Because There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
I Swear There's Something
About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
To Give It To You
Somethin' About You Baby
That Makes Me Want
Just Promise Me
Whatever We Say
Or Whatever We Do To
Each Other
For Now We'll Make A Vow
To Just
Keep It In The Closet
(She Wants To Give It)
Dare Me
Keep It In The Closet ...
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